Kamis, 21 November 2013

filling technology of rice long pinecles


 long rice pinecles is tempting to plan many rice farmers, many of the farmers who said "I learned my lesson long  rice pinecle". key to the success of long rice pinecles some point, if our farmers planted ir 64 varieties  getting the 5 ton is common, why the long grain pinecles results can not be 4 times the usual local rice:? -Assuming the results of long-grain rice pinecle usually 4 times per panicle will succeed if its assumptions with spacing not changed when the farmer gets results GKP 5 tons per hectare, especially the spacing should not be changed, with a fixed spacing dann same amount of active tillering per clump then 4-fold potential of local rice yield per hectare achieved God willing, that actually changed the spacing to achieve 4 times the local rice yields could be, just have the burden to make active tillers per clump becomes more severe as the number of chicks need the active that much more. Rice-filling assumption bermalai long should the conditions that must be smooth leaves will be proven by the results of studies that have been done "when the flag leaf is generally dry rice so the rice can not only local grain must be fully charged let alone the weight is not realistic for many common peasants" picture listed shows that burning the flag leaf determine not heavy weight grain, it is because speed of filling grains is key, this happens because there in experience a problematic area that each definite stricken plant crackle, this challenge was answered with a long pinecles harvesting rice,right turns only age 29 HST sdh consequently attacked by a wide range of bactericidal try but up to age 80 as a result HST was almost out of the total of all land burned leaves, but surprisingly long-grain rice panicle even fully loaded, not only it turns out after a day of harvesting and drying results so surprising1000 grain weight could exceed 32 grams, as a result I am grateful to the Almighty GOD so that the rice long pinecles do not alter the usual spacing so that the assumption of more than 10 tons of ordinary results are met, the two plants do not forget to height less than 125 cm for maximum potency, the third seed requirement per hectare try not less than 40 kg 

teknologi pengisian padi bermalai panjang tidak ditentukan oleh luas daun bendera yang baik melainkan kecepatan pengisian bulir


Padi bermalai panjang sangatlah menggiurkan banyak petani padi untuk menanmnya , banyak dari petani yang mengatakan "aku kapok menanam padi bermalai panjang". kunci keberhasilan menanam padi bermalai panjang ada beberapa poin,kalau petani kita menanam varietas ir 64 mendapatkan hasil 5 ton adalah hal yang biasa,kenapa dengan bulir yang panjang permalai hasilnya tidak bisa 4 kali lipat dari padi lokal biasa:?
-asumsi hasil padi bermalai panjang yang bulirnya 4 kali lipat per malai akan berhasil jika asumsinya dengan jarak tanam yang tidak dirubah ketika petani mendapat hasil 5 ton gkp per hektar,terutama jarak tanam janganlah diubah,dengan jarak tanam yang tetap dann jumlah anakan aktif yang sama per rumpun maka potensi 4 kali lipat dari hasil padi lokal per hektar insyaallah tercapai, kalau jarak tanam dirubah sebenernya untuk mencapai hasil 4 kali lipat dari hasil padi lokal bisa saja ,cuman bebannya untuk membuat anakan aktif per rumpun menjadi lebih berat karena butuh jumlah anakan aktif yang jauh lebih banyak.
-asumsi pengisian padi bermalai panjang harus dengan kondisi daun yang harus mulus akan dibuktikan dengan hasil penelitian yang sudah dilakukan "umumnya bila daun bendera padi kering maka padi lokal saja tidak bisa terisi penuh apalagi bulirnya harus bobot sangatlah tidak mungkin bagi banyak petani umum"
gambar yang tercantum menunjukkan bahwa daun bendera yang terbakar tidak mennetukan berat bobot bulir,hal ini karena kecapatan penngisisan bulir menjadi kuncinya,hal ini terjadi karena dalamm pengalaman ada lahan yang bermasalah yang setiap tanam pasti terserang kresek,tantangan ini dijawab dengan menanm padi bermalai panjang,ternyata benar umur 29 hst saja sdh terserang  alhasil berbagai macam bakterisida dicoba tetapi sampai umur 80 hst alhasil  benar hampir dari total semua lahan daunnya terbakar,tetapi yang mengejutkan bulir padinya malai panjang malahan terisi penuh,bukan hanya itu ternyata setelah panen dan dijemur seharian hasilnya mengejutkann bobot 1000 bulirnya bisa melebihi 32 gram,alhasil saya bersyukur kepada ALLAH SWT
sehingga kalau menanam padi bermalai panjang jangan merubah jarak tanam yang biasa sehingga asumsi hasil diatas 10 ton biasa terpenuhi,kedua jangan melupakan tinggi tanaman jangan sapai kurang dari 125 cm untuk potensi maksimal,ketiga kebutuhan benih perhektar usahan tidak kurang dari 40 kg

Minggu, 21 Juli 2013

longest and harvested rice panicles in just 82 days after planting

The longest panicle that was achieved in this study was 40 cm starting from the base of the panicle is illustrated in the following figure (malai picked 81 days after planting): 

79 days after planting
The next results will be published with a longer panicles, with an average of 600 grains
cooming soon contact person hendra eka wijaya+6285330092665

malai padi terpanjang dan dipanen hanya dalam 82 hari setelah tanam

malai terpanjang yang berhasil dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah 40 cm dimulai dari pangkal malai  yang digambarkan dalam gambar berikut ini ( malai dipetik 81 hari setelah tanam):
beberapa foto hasil penelitian :

hasil berikutnya akan dipublikasi dengan malai yang lebih panjang,dengan bulir rata rata 600

cooming soon
contact person
hendra eka wijaya 085330092665

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

hendra eka works wijaya SP: 'New record until 2013 ": the harvesting Inpari 13 to 75hst, and hybrid rice harvest grain HST permalai 450 to 94 in the rainy season with GKP potential of 14.7 tonnes per hectare

harvest for at this point is concerned, a variety of factors ranging from human resources from diverse farmers, pest and disease control and the ability of capital is low, so the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides are excessive was permitted to increase yields of quality
 medicines in stores agriculture extremely diverse and varying prices make farmers confused in choosing the product that is used, so that inspired me to improve crop yields doubled, so research on rice is done individually without any capital of any party
-Initially tried  varieties Inpari 13 can accidentally harvested 75 day after planting, the results of 3 tons with ground  square 5500m, finally I am not satisfied because the speed has not been supported by significant yield improvement, so I tried using hybrid varieties with grain per pinecle 450, InsyaAllah hybrid rice can be harvested 94 days after planting
some reason farmers are afraid to use a hybrid:
1.no resistant to disease
2.Price expensive hybrid seeds
3.human resourches doesnt same every people
4 need a large of fertilizer
to a high risk was offset by the lure menggiukan hybrid when we can manage it well, the problem is the selection of hybrid varieties should remain memilih.dengan a higher risk than the capital side so the selection of the number of grains permalai is important because more and more the standard crops will tonasenya increased, with the number of grains permalai a lot of the higher difficult level if not handled properly, many grains with the fungus, many grains no pithy, damaged or infected flag leaves crackle or blast so that the charging process is disrupted and the result of grain tonnage to be diminished or suboptimal
This few pictures before harvesting activities:
I ended up doing research independently using an area of ​​1000 square meters, using hybrid varieties with average grain  450 grains per panicle, with the position of each grain is high in the middle of the plant, the plant is grown using a very tight spacing yaiyu distance of 20 x 20 cm without the use of a parallelogram legowo, all kinds of obstacles and hurdles while working on the experiment did not make me quit the experiment saya.berbagai obstacles and hurdles faced when experimenting among others:
1. at the age of 50 days after planting up to 65 days after planting ground experiencing drought conditions due to repair irrigation channels so long as it is only able to irrigate for 2 times, and even then not all of the plot can be watered so that when the grain filling disrupted
2. at the age of 65 up to 85 days after planting rain almost every day with strong winds so that some of the field trials strong winds buffeted by the age of 83 days after planting so that there is less than 20 percent of the total plat will collapse.dan shown by the following picture:
figure 1. picture where the rice to fall 20 percent of all existing mapped due to rain and wind were so strong
              as perbandinga control plot using local varieties of rice Inpari 13 of the same age, a fall by percentage of rice fall 60 percent of the land area and are described by figure 2
figure 1. picture where the rice to fall 20 percent of all existing mapped due to rain and wind were so strong
              as  control plot using local varieties of rice Inpari 13 of the same age, a fall by percentage of rice fall 60 percent of the land area and are described by figure 2
www.bayer.co.id/ina/index_cs.phpwww.syngenta.comwww.voa.comwww.deptan.go.idfigure 2. Inpari varieties of the same age with hybrid varieties I planted, fall approximately 60 percent of all land planted 13 varieties Inpari
                   at the age of 68 days after planting hybrid rice showed remarkable development with special treatment, plant height at an average of 140 cm as Figure 3
figure 4. hybrid plants aged 68 days after planting (mostly grain has hardened, almost ripe)

                  field trials have been reported to the district agriculture office banyuwangi, and has received the district agriculture department officials visit banyuwangi depicted in Figure 5 below
figure 5. the visit of the head of the district department of agriculture crops banyuwangi

with the right treatment it can reach a height of rice plants hinbrida average between 2 leaves 140cm wide, 5cm to 3 cm, for harvesting field trials I was doing was waiting for the coordination of the department of agriculture banyuwangi, and later covered by the media Insyallah masaa.cara used is a blend of organic chemistry and the ratio 35:65., and most of the obat2an made ​​my own direct findings
current conditions: 84 days after planting
the number of grains of different hybrid rice between the right and left Inpari 13 belongs to someone else,, this makes reason why farming using hybrid rice grain per pinecle  condition number above 400 grains, its so different.wait how many tons of results? coooming soon
This is the chronology of events before harvest:
measurements per plot of land activity with p-bambang (former district agricultural banyuwangi), p agus (bpp head-kab banyuwangi,) p suryaji THL kalipuro banyuwangi district.
results from samples pengubinan 2.5 x 2.5 m with an average number of grains permalai 185 grains,
in 2, 5 x 2.5 m terdpat 180 clumps, and each one cluster comprised an average of 14 to 15 stems of rice.
planted at a spacing of 20 x 20 cm, without parallelogram legowo.
grain weight per 2.5 x 2.5 m = 6.5 kg
totak prediction GKP = 1040 ton per 1000 sq m, 1 ha 10.4 tons GKP
in fact the number of grains of pinecle average is 185 grains
weighed amount of GKP per 2.5 x 2.5 m is 6.5 kg
measurment  event was attended by the head of the village farmer groups Krajan kalipuro excl color, agricultural enumerations kalipuro, ppl sub kalipuro, mr haji  husaini as executor, head bpp

              The following are photos of the harvest and the results were attended JTV:
hybrid rice crops with food crops ir chief pratmaja with hendra gunawan eka wijaya sp, on 12 January 2013
Recent discoveries and the potential for rapid harvest rice crops high invention fast and high yield potential of rice in rainy day season quick and potential high yields of hybrid rice harvesting season hujanwww.metrotv.comproses 12th January 2013 by using a rice thresher
this picture is not the original breeders grain-Abal Abal, since may initially Abal-Abal while only 14.7 tonnes per hectare potentially i hopes with seed Minak Jinggo banyuwangi successor could produce 30 tonnes per ha with a grain of logic Abal Abal with grain permalai could produce an average of 185 potential 14.7 tons per ha, with the grain rat Minak Jinggo 400 flat hopefully 30 tonnes per ha can tecapai amen.

yields of hybrid rice to get the 13 sacks GKP

calculation of the total weight of GKP:
12 sacks filled @ 115 kg weight: 1380 kg
1 bag contains 3/4 sacks: 90 kg
GKP per 1000 total square feet: 1470 kg = 1.47 tons
potential of 1 ha: 14.7 tons

obstacles encountered during cultivation:
Drought plagued start phase 1 50 64 dap dap sd
2 the number of grains per pinecle not as expected, the number of grains per panicle grain should be 450, but that appears only average 185 grains per panicle
3 not used legowo row planting and SRI, because of constrained implementing in fields
4 constrained high rainfall ranging grains appear until the harvest
5.big problems strong winds during grain hardens
6. tegalof rice grown on land, and the height of the sea surface height, as well as marginal land and nutrient-poor, with the intent that the planting of hybrid rice with high levels of difficulty so that when applied to the better condition it is possible